Ah.. I begin to understand your larger problem.
Every thread is an opportunity for You to Win .. some Brownie points? - via duelling factoids. And your faith in your own Challenger status is.. er fetching and touching.
(I suspect we might not agree very closely with the idea that there are very few.. relevant 'facts': where any issue devolves to that of characterizing motives - in homo-saps at play, especially homo-saps obsessed with a weird notion of Winning something?)
Lost. Won. Defeated. All life as chess match for the Master Logician-in-training. No wonder your essays so often fail to convince - the aim is to Win, not illuminate. Possibly the Chess mindset run amok, then?
But you have lots of company - 'Win' is the bizness motto too: never mind at what cost to both language and society. Why, Life for you must be just On Big Game of Football (for those not amenable to Chess Victory) - One Wins All / All the Rest Lose All. a==b, b==a via Commutative Law. {sigh}
The trouble in this thread is: even the idea of 'justice' is unalloyed metaphor, like virtually evey concept created in minds - dependent on 'very much which must go well'. There is NO Known guarantor of 'justice' yet devised IMhO. And no amount of marshalled (or court-martialled) factoids can ever be assembled - but that these are variously selected for effect. (From time-limit to endlessly introducing lesser and lesser-relevant factoids? for at least One thing)
Brandioch recited from actual experience, an ~ source for his reservations re UCMJ. Note: these do not constitute 'proof' of anything; nor could a 50x compilation produce proof - either. Nor did he suggest this lived experience as constituting any sort of 'proof' of anything. Just background for an opinion on a matter as complex as any we homo-saps are always conceiving.
Simply - you appear to desire nice Fact/Wars Wins/Losses, preferably from some hierarchy of Authority (blessing the factoids as True 'facts' at some level, perhaps?).
No wonder your reading of replies is filtered so precisely: if it ain't Authorized Fact - it is meaningless gibberish. To you.
I shall try to tailor responses to you accordingly, if it seems worth the effort to try. A Fact-Win is sorta trivial though, isn't it? Beryllium's At. Wt. is 9.02. No! it is 9.013 per >1952 determination. Oh.
Dear Lord, please protect me from the wrath of those who Know.