Nice demo of the religious imperative at work,
(not to dwell on the also Kafkaesque spin required to derive this bizarre conception from the raw material)
I attempt to describe some of the (more obvious) consequences of the fallacious application of numerical theories of 'control' - and suggest the (more obvious) consequences of believing in Models beyond their possible and limited utility.
And for this heresy - I am therefore a Nihilist Hell -/\\/\\-bent upon destroying Motherhood, Millionaires and Maudlin Sentimentality (virtually then - the Murican Dream?) for daring to suggest that:
The current Model is flawed precisely because it IS value-laden.. *peculiar-value* laden (nothing agnostic about the numbers, when you tailor the model according to what you want to favor). Nice mechanical engineering logic there, of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge sort, that is.
I assert that the valuez implicit in the present model are as skewed as is this spelling: not merely towards favoring increasing concentration of personal Wealth - but assuring the perpetuation of the system, insulated as far as the Modelmakers / acolytes were able to anticipate: a variety of means for assuring that the electorate may not correct the Model, and its improper expansion beyond its competence -- short of Revolution (??)
And you want to reductio absurdum by clear inference that your Religious Faith is in a System of Goodness; ergo any alteration must be akin to Evil or worse {shudder} Nihilism --> let's kill All Systems at once and not replace them!! Is that what your febrile brain has logically deduced .?. and after all that Training too :[
No point in going into any details at This Scale! Obviously your logic training never ever breached the large Ideas of scale and relativity. No wonder it's so easy for you to reduce the consequences to all life (yes, even including the 'valuation' we place on the life of all other species): to Numbers within an Economic Model of Everything.
There is no space to enumerate the logical fallacies on such a Grand Scale as this. Here's a (just one) review link to a partial list, to root among for various matches:
[link||Teacher heal thyself]
See also: The Tyranny of Words, Stuart Chase \ufffd 1938 Sorry you missed it.
No point here in further enumerating the turgid assumptions - presumptions actually - within the current Model as, once you have given allegiance to that as a religious and inalterable dogma: debate is impossible. A matter of scale and relativity, you see? (that was a rhetorical question - to help the Boolean fixated).
I thought this thread might be about ~
1) Finding and examining the quality of the current Econ model - demonstrating the hidden presumptions and the consequences thereof.
2) Noticing the effects as follow from extrapolating a flawed model (some say intentionally - and finely-tuned with time) mainly about the arithmetic of CPAs ---> into a virtual all-encompassing Koran for the Capitalist in search of a rationale for further self-aggrandizement. (This without more than lip-service to the idea of there being (besides him) *also* a society in which s/he dwells.)
Instead you reprise Farmily Valuez the doggerel of Murican politico- meaningless speech (op cit. blab under above mentioned book). Meaningless blab imputing to *Me* 'lack of Values' - for goring your Religious Oxen!
Sorry Gerard, nonsequitur. Massive presumptions about this same Me - attribution of merely your left-over glossary from earlier Times: which it is clear you have captured in amber, after constructing them of the straw you favor for easy ignition.
We now return this thread to the topic: the consequences of attempting to model all of life via numerical mercantile models self-imputed as 'values'. (Er, this was not intended to be a course in mechanical engineering: that is what got us Here, to today's disintegrating Murica. Yes you Can disintegrate, even with 50K or so millionaires among the 300M. Wrong parameter to measure, that - but not without its own irony.)
The genius of you Americans is that you never make clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves that make us wonder at the possibility that there may be something to them that we are missing. --Gamel Abdul Nasser
(Thanks, Rick L.)