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New Anybody heard of Astaro Security Linux?
Got routed a PC Ragazine article on it and am doing some investigation. Just wondered if anyone here had heard of/had an opinion on it.

Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer.
(Just trying to be accepted in the New America)
New Yeap.
It is pretty good. Not wide distribution though. I have heard nothing bad about it, which is to say "that is a plus". I have also heard only a few religious advocates for it. This tells me that it isn't in wide use either.

Overall though, some people use it for only certain situations, other use it for a General Machine because they are "Paranoid". Well done, but still a bit rough on the edges. (Could say that about MOST Distros)
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry|REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwethey
No matter how much Microsoft supporters whine about how Linux and other operating systems have just as many bugs as their operating systems do, the bottom line is that the serious, gut-wrenching problems happen on Windows, not on Linux, not on Mac OS. -- [link|http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,1622086,00.asp|source]
Here is an example: [link|http://www.greymagic.com/security/advisories/gm001-ie/|Executing arbitrary commands without Active Scripting or ActiveX when using Windows]
New Thanks.
They've gotta a demo, I'll probably download it. If I do, I'll come back here and rant (pro or con). ;0)

Eine Leute. Eine Welt. Ein F\ufffdhrer.
(Just trying to be accepted in the New America)
     Anybody heard of Astaro Security Linux? - (mmoffitt) - (2)
         Yeap. - (folkert) - (1)
             Thanks. - (mmoffitt)

Considering that all you're risking is the $15 co-payment, there's no harm in giving him a shot at it.
42 ms