harped on again and again and again. The whole premise of "being at war" with terror is idiotic. The idiotic notion that "Al Qaeda attacked the US, so we have to go to War with Al Qaeda" is ridiculous to anyone in possession of an I.Q. that is larger than his/her shoe size. This was a CRIMINAL ACT of MASS MURDER and the co-conspirators should have been pursued by LAW ENFORCEMENT. If we had taken advantage of the world-wide sympathy we had on 9/12/2001, Osama and most likely, the entire Al Qaeda network would be rotting in prison today, instead of being cult-heroes for anyone (and they are legion) who has been oppressed by Murican Multi-National Corporatism.
That this fact was completely lost on the Wal-Mart shopping Murican populace is not a surprise, but it is disappointing.