Product A has an admittedly ugly GUI screen-scraped interface.
Product B, coming out "soon" (hopefully) is one of those EJB server gui redesigned things that are supposed to bring customers flocking to the fold. But it's still a few months out.
Directive from top. Build "something" on product A that looks like product B so we can sell stuff. (development group weeps moans and gnashes teeth at some of the technicalities.)
At least I get to brush up (and it's a nice wire brush, loosening all that rust) my Java experience.
They're taking two people (at least), putting them on a stopgap nonproductive project, so it looks good. (Shrug) Have been told that the lusers watching the demos are making the choices, not the computer center. Ah well, at least I get to upgrade my Java skills before the company goes under or I am fired.