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New Is the Nortthern Alliance falling apart already?
[link|http://argument.independent.co.uk/commentators/story.jsp?story=105219|It kind of looks that way]

With the external pressure of the Taliban removed, it figures that pinternal pressures would bring about fragmentation. It's always that way with these types. They behave more like a gas than a solid.


But terror of the Taliban has been replaced by fear of a new round of bloodletting and ethnic cleansing as rival factions lay claim to the capital. The Northern Alliance, a loose coalition of anti-Taliban groups with a brutal record, has stationed troops on every street corner, and General Mohammed Fahim \ufffd the Alliance's military commander since the assassination of General Ahmed Shah Masood \ufffd has become the city's de facto ruler.

Yesterday, however, the Alliance appeared to be splintering into factions, with the Tajiks leading the grab for power despite earlier assurances that they would not enter Kabul.

The Tajiks, whose political wing is called Jamiat, have taken over the buildings that house the ministries for foreign affairs, defence and security, and the self-styled Northern Alliance foreign minister, Abdullah Abdullah, a senior Tajik figure, has entered the city.

The Tajik advance has dismayed the Hazaras, who make up 30 to 40 per cent of the population of the city.

Ustad Khalili, a Hazara leader, told me: "We're furious. General Fahim [the Tajik leader of the Northern Alliance] gave us a promise that they would not enter Kabul. We have moved 3,000 troops to Ghilraiz [40 minutes from Kabul] and we will enter the city to protect our citizens unless an international force is stationed in Kabul."

The Hazaras and Uzbeks have been deliberately deprived of weaponry by the Tajik leadership, Mr Khalili said. "We are poorly equipped but we have taken guns from the Taliban garrison in Bamiyan," he warned. Kabul has unpleasant memories of the misery caused by factional fighting when the Northern Alliance controlled the city between 1992 and 1995. Already there are signs of abuses and looting.

People would welcome even the sight of British troops. "It is good if the British come \ufffd even better if an international force comes. We just want peace, we don't care who brings it. We just want a normal life," one man said. Another was resigned to the joy of post-Taliban normality being shortlived. "I will be happy for a few days. After that I don't know
what will happen," he said.

I say:

Bring in the Brits to run the place. Good idea. And they've just handed us an excuse. Practically an engraved invitation.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Of course it's falling apart.
As soon as the tiger's away, the monkeys return to fighting among themselves.

The only things understood in Afghanistan are tribal rivalries, vengence for past deeds (real and immagined) and the never ending grasp for personal power. Depopulation is the only way this will be changed within this century, so the less we are involved the better.

We'll be blamed for it all no matter what we do, so we might as well just look out for our own interests.

New Proxy battle
My thought over the past few days has been that the Northern Alliance is probably the best argument to be made for putting a substantial US Alliance ground force in place. We've been fighting a proxy war with the NA, the advantage being very low casualty exposure among US forces. The disadvantage is that we're not in much of a position to determine actual actions and maneuvering on the ground.

At some point, we're going to need muscle to back our objectives -- even among "our" forces.

Dealing with the Taliban fleeing Kandahar will also be interesting. I expect we'll see substantial use of human shields.
Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?
     Is the Nortthern Alliance falling apart already? - (marlowe) - (2)
         Of course it's falling apart. - (Andrew Grygus)
         Proxy battle - (kmself)

Of course the Satanists don't bother me any more ever since they did a background check on me and discovered I had three sixes in my birthdate.
36 ms