to conceive very good experiments, but it may be as good an analogy as any, for the sorts of things latent in our jelloware, and what might trigger these.

Many wondered, after Life After Life [Mood? Moody?] - whether the white/light, black tunnel effect might be hard-wired into our nervous system; then there were the correlations: of 17 IIRC items cited by his interviewees (all of whom had been 'clinically dead' for some period) there were 7-9? which were common to some %large of his samples.

I find the 'more solid' of such reports intriguing, but I doubt we shall find a transistorized substitute for {somehow working through} the metaphysical ropes - in our model-building of the largely Unknowable.
(6-D phase-space might be a bit small to play in, though -- just a guess, mind you.)

Ain't it just like! uppity bipeds to imagine someone else can do the work for us? Maybe at $7/hr, too.