Depends on what you mean by "in the workplace".

The first computers in a workplace that I used was a 286 that me and a friend would use to play Might and Magic. We snuck in his office and worked through the various dungeon of Might and Magic 3. At the time it was the only computer we had access to that was fast (16 Mhz?), had VGA graphics and had a hard drive.

The first computers I did real work on where a batch of 286 and 386 computers in a computer training lab. They where hooked up through netware to grab the software and keep the configurations in synch. But that was an unpaid internship.

The first computers I got paid to work on was a 386, programming in Turbo Pascal. It was running some version of Windows 3.1, but I don't remember which one now. What I do remeber is that we where setup on a Lantastic network, which was the source of all sorts of oddities.
