C'mon - we're all saddled with a National Brainfart, facing four years!! of ticking off just how many areas from.. the local environment to the whole fucking planet -- might be? will be? set-backwards / partially destroyed? / goaded by Bring-It-On bravado; just fucking Dared to create the Armageddon/spasm these psychos secretly masturbate-over.. (just not on that expensive new blue oval rug-thing).

While matters devolve as they must; as Shrub periodically lets slip in Public garblings.. the sterility of his vacant psyche and his dry-drunk tenuous grasp on normal human connectedness -

WTF are ya gonna go to find erudite moral support, irreverent analysis and just plain black humor? - As We Watch and Wait for this cabal to self-destruct, as did Caligula and all the other loonies. The seeds are in their DNA. There's your place to invest real faith of the non-fantastical kind. Bet on Cosmic Humour every time!

We must preserve the essential and sane hope that somehow These Too Shall Pass *before* they can open the Bagman's bag wide enough to inflict Gawd's Retribution on the unSaved.
Even with 4 Clarence Thomases leaving pubic hair on beer cans in the USSC Executive john..

See ya around, y'hear?