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New Pittsburg does it again. 27-3 over Eagles
If anything Pittsburg dominated the Eagles more then they did NE. With the Patriots they had a batch of turn overs that crippled the Patriots in the first half. Here Pittsburgh just crushed them. The Eagles offense never really got anywhere, and the defense only slowed Pittsburgh down in the second half, after giving up 24 points.

Duece didn't get his chance to play against his old team though, he go hurt in practice and Bettis played the game. Didn't make a big difference, either way the Pittsburgh running game just ran all over them.

New I know! Isn't it great???
I wore my Steelers shirt today, and watched the game when I could. I was really impressed! My Steelers are really playing some awesome football!!

Go for the Black and Gold!


"It's not where a person stands in time of comfort and security, but rather where they stand in times of strife and controversy that determine true friends."
(Quote sent to me by a true friend, author unknown).
     Pittsburg does it again. 27-3 over Eagles - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
         I know! Isn't it great??? - (Nightowl)

He's so far to the right of the bell curve he could drop a marble and it wouldn't roll away.
31 ms