That's the word of the day.
I've heard it quite a few times around here.
Me: Mandate. *larf*
Them: But, this is the highest number of people who have ever voted for a President!
Me: Not percentage wise, it isn't.
Them: But, he won over 50% of the vote! First time since 1988!
Me: Uh, all that reflects is the fact that no one was willing to vote for a 3rd party candidate. There weren't any Naders or Perots that could siphon off enough votes to drop everyone below 50%.
Them: It's still a mandate!
Me: Dude, he barely beat a liberal senator from Massachusetts, and half the country can't stand him.
Them: 4 more years! 4 more years!
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."