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New Coming down to Ohio
PA looks like Kerry - FL, Shrub.

Very up in the air, although exit polls look good for Kerry.
"That miscreant ought to be suppressed." - Robt. E. Lee

New Re: Coming down to Ohio
CNN called Calafornia for Kerry approximatly 1 second after the polls closed.

But if CNN's numbers are accurate, at 11:00 it looks like Kerry is running behind. Florida looks like it is going to break for Bush and Ohio might. If Kerry looses both of those, then it becomes very hard for him to get the electorial votes he needs.

New Really only 2 scenarios
Kerry has to win Ohio. He could get a tie by winning all the upper Midwest and New England, Oregon, Nevada, New Mexico, and Hawaii, and still lose both Florida and Ohio. The result would be 269-269, and the House will give it to Bush. This would tear the country apart, so it would be better if the ignorant punk wins outright.

People are *still* voting in Democratic areas of Ohio - some have been in line for 9 hours. It's a total fiasco in this day and age for this to happen. Paper ballots are being handed out. I think Kerry will get Ohio. Basically, fuck Florida and all the damn carpetbagging bubba states.

I wish I could work in Vermont.
"That miscreant ought to be suppressed." - Robt. E. Lee

     Coming down to Ohio - (deSitter) - (2)
         Re: Coming down to Ohio - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
             Really only 2 scenarios - (deSitter)

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