Or, as his father did, pardon everyone involved in a scandal which threatens to climb to his level.
Which is why my scenario had Kerry get in office before the legal stuff began climbing the foodchain...
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
I hope that the on the morrow the election's signal-to-noise ratio proves inhospitable both to Dieboldish theft and to plausible lawerly challenge. Should the junta go peacably, I want to be the first to propose a contest: which administration felons will Bush pardon on the eve of ejection?
Cthulhu for President. Why vote for a lesser evil?
Both the Democratic and Republican parties have sent thousands of lawyers to Florida in case of lawsuits ... which pretty much guarantees there will be several.
This during the news, not an op-ed piece. Loved it.