I doubt we disagree at 'core'
And this chunk of idiot-level sloganeering is, as you note - just a contemporary example of language murder. With extreme prejudice.
Following the evanescent 'meanings' of democrat/republican/Dixiecrat across the years.. strikes me as akin to parsing the hearsay editings, fanciful musings of the committees who assembled the various 'Bible' editions (+ Constantine and minus the ever-elided St. Thomas, whose insight would have proved fatal to priestly hierarchies - by definition). We See why he was omitted. Why.. imagine the Congress actually reforming its own financing! ..me neither.
Yes, I'll concede that one can find the writings of Southerners who were prescient about the gradual/inevitable encroachment of the bureaucrat mind - into all personal matters. And surely the Carpetbaggers/Yankees were identical to today's Armani-suited (en-tre-pre-neurs in Shrubspeak).
But there's too much overlap in ideologies and slogans to reduce the entire civil war to polar opposites; I'd aver that the majority of homo-saps in any era emulate the effete, ignorant and uninvolved consumer, with or without today's plethora of shiny (transistorized) beads. Democracy ergo - is a will-o'the-wisp feel-good idea whose time came, passed for being unworkable --> precisely as predicted by Ben F. and ratified by Ronnie's Greed is Good (full circle).
ie We're Fucked, we're Damn Proud of our Fuckedness and -- the Future Lies Ahead (while we Lie.. incessantly)
Screw regime change; the planet needs Species Change, or it'll look like Venus a few Hummer-generations from now.
- and that's the Good News
(can't handle the Bad News till December, or whenever the 'election' is finished / the troops arrive.)
Hey.. it's just a Play, y'know?