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New http://www.kerryhatersforkerry.com/
As the disclaimer for [link|http://www.kerryhatersforkerry.com/|http://www.kerryhatersforkerry.com/] says, Note: Do not confuse this site with JohnKerryIsADouchebagButImVotingForHimAnyway.com. That site didn't really say that John Kerry is a douchebag. This is the site for Kerry supporters that think he really is!

I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
New Good one.
Do you think he's a flip-flopper, or more of a straddler?


My favorite Kerry Iraq position is #17. What's yours?

This one is much better than [link|http://www.johnkerryisadouchebagbutimvotingforhimanyway.com/|this one].
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

New I share the same sentiment as this gentleman
from a link on your KH4K link to [link|http://slate.msn.com/id/2108714/|http://slate.msn.com/id/2108714/] where he writes:
Paul Boutin, Technology Writer: Kerry

President Bush and I disagree on a lot of things, but I can't shake the feeling we'd get along great as neighbors. I wish I had his folksy charm, his fitness and energy, and his inarticulate clarity\ufffdno matter how he fumbles for words, you always know exactly what Bush is trying to say. But while he claims to be a love-your-enemies Christian and a keep-the-government-off-my-back Republican, he and his administration have repeatedly led the country into actions that are neither what Jesus nor the Economist would do. So I'll take a chance on Kerry, but if he wins I'll skip the victory party. Too many of his supporters have proven as divisive, dishonest, and hateful as they imagine their bogeyman Karl Rove to be. And they wonder why people vote for Nader?

Except, of course, I don't share his conclusion - I won't vote for him...
Just a few thoughts,

New Re: http://www.kerryhatersforkerry.com/
I'm persuaded that Kerry is a far better man, and can be a far better president, than some of these tepid supporters can bring themselves to believe. He'll certainly be better than 45% of the voting populace deserves.

Cthulhu for President. Why vote for a lesser evil?
New Thanks. I like this bumper sticker. 25 kB .jpg
[image|http://www.kerryhatersforkerry.com/plan.jpg|0|He has a plan|98|342]

It would go well right next to the "Bring ......... It .......... ON!" sticker.

     http://www.kerryhatersforkerry.com/ - (ben_tilly) - (4)
         Good one. - (bepatient)
         I share the same sentiment as this gentleman - (danreck)
         Re: http://www.kerryhatersforkerry.com/ - (rcareaga)
         Thanks. I like this bumper sticker. 25 kB .jpg - (Another Scott)

I'm a Mog! Half man, half dog -- I'm my own best friend!
132 ms