[link|http://www.rasmussenreports.com/Presidential_Tracking_Poll.htm|Rasmussen Dailing Tracking Poll]. Bush 46.4%, Kerry 48.4%. (The 3 significant figures seem highly questionable to me, but there you are.)
I don't know which campaign I dislike more at the moment:
B/C: Everyone is going to die unless Bush is reelected. Kerry doesn't understand anything important. I'll cut your taxes and increase your benefits and make the world better while Kerry will destroy everything. Wolves!
K/E: Your children will be drafted and your gradma will die in a gutter if Bush is reelected. I'm a man and I'll kill for you. I'll cut your taxes and increase your benefits and make the world better while Bush will destroy everything. Ostriches!
I take this poll as being significant because it has changed so little over the past few months. We'll see if it holds up.