So far over the top in innuendos, political jabs, tongue-in-cheek humor, spoofs on other films, spoofs on recent happenings, Farenheit 911 jabs and best of all the "attitude" of Team America.
They have the Technology, Resources and Weapons to Kick-Ass! They go off and police the world with zero regard to anything.
The Opening scene has them Policing a WMD exchange with terrorists in Paris, while taking care of business, they cripple the Eiffel Tower which falls and crushes the Arch de'Triumph, then the terrorists go into the Louvre. They then fire multiple missiles at the Louvre to kill the terrorists. Then they land and prance around giving high-fives and such... meanwhile all the "populace" puppetts are all a gape with wide-eyes and staring at all the monumnets that were destroyed. All is well that ends well, off the the HQ for Drinks and a party.