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New Likeable!!
W.T.F. - he merely has to be of average intelligence and not believe that God appointed him to fuck up the planet - on automatic pilot. That can't possibly repair the myriad shit on all levels, no matter what his or anyone's talents.


'Like' all ya want.. the buds swillin the Budweiser, OK?

I want someone in there smarter than moi - and smarter than *you*, too; your fucking trigger finger seems attached a bit too close to some other organs (I know I know - it's Fun to do 007 stuff, even without the Aston Martin.. but shee-itt)
New My start in this thread was to explain my vote
and a comment on the fact I will be holding my nose while doing so. Rceaga pointed out a link to a movie that was to make me beam with pleasure at how fit for the job the man is. I am merely pointing out that I still think he a twat. However a twat that will releive some of the burdens of the patriot act.
New Re: My start in this thread was to explain my vote
A single-issue kinda guy, eh?

So of all the events since hanging chads and roadblocks: that's the Lone fucking 'issue' that would sway you away {With Deep Regret - implicit} from the John Wayne Swagger School of unilateral invasions, (followed by civil chaos here *and* in the country-list targeted for Liberation).

Izzat it, bunky?
New Re: single-issue kinda guy?
I doubt that he is. But, there is a priority to issues and that one is way up on the list. There are no grays to losing basic liberties, it's really black and white.

In politics, what begins in fear usually ends in folly. -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, poet (1772-1834)
New I dont have a problem that we invaded Iraq
I have a major problem with how they fucked it up as well as the ongoing mess. Iraq will survive, hopefully the leuts, majors and light birds remember this when they are running the pentagon and refuse numbnuts who propose no sane exit strategy.
     the Passion of the Rove - (rcareaga) - (14)
         I must protest! - (daemon) - (11)
             Re: I must protest! - (rcareaga) - (9)
                 downloading, will review back -NT - (daemon) - (6)
                     review - (daemon) - (5)
                         Likeable!! - (Ashton) - (4)
                             My start in this thread was to explain my vote - (daemon) - (3)
                                 Re: My start in this thread was to explain my vote - (Ashton) - (2)
                                     Re: single-issue kinda guy? - (a6l6e6x)
                                     I dont have a problem that we invaded Iraq - (daemon)
                 Nice link, thx -NT - (deSitter)
                 TAFKAB protests - (daemon)
             ROFL!!!! -NT - (deSitter)
         The comprehensive Rove link - (Ashton) - (1)
             LRPD! (new thread) - (deSitter)

History shows again and again how Nature points out the folly of men.
130 ms