I think if Syria got the Golan Heights (or most it) back, they might agree. They aren't really in a strong position to disagree. If they agree, the hell with Libya, Iran, Iraq, etc. Iran's head sub-honcho made some statement to the effect that if the Palestinians accepted Israel, they would abide by that decision. Of course this was only said by the sub-honcho, the head MF What's In Charge probably has a different opinion....at least as long as he can keep from being lynched by pissed off Iranian teenagers.

I think bin Laden has those Arab regimes spooked. They know he's more popular than they are. They have no reason for being, most of them. They won't accept democracy because then they (the people populating the regimes) would have to accept mercurial employment in the public sector instead of an assured income from graft. They have little private enterprise, at least they only allow small businesses not to be subject to baksheesh (I'm not certain about that, someone always seems to need paying off over there).

King Abdullah has the biggest balls over there, the U.S. should support the idea.