Post #179,384
10/14/04 10:10:48 PM
Re: I must protest!
I welcome your vote, but believe that your disdain is misplaced.
Should you happen to have a high-speed connection, try this:
If he's a tenth as good at 60 as he was at 27, he'll be a better president than we deserve.
Cthulhu for President. Why vote for a lesser evil?
Post #179,385
10/14/04 10:12:56 PM
downloading, will review back
Post #179,518
10/16/04 12:35:30 AM
Up to his decision to back the war, can you say Niedermeyer? back to watching Okay, "the Vietnamese were fighting a war for national independance." Not in 1970 they wernt, they were fighting a war of ideology, the people of south vietnam were fighting the Americans and the Viet Mihn the average South Vietnamese didnt care for their northern bretheren, had not for centuries. The Americans were considered not so much as occupiers but as Mercenaries that could not be fired. back to watching Okay, waste of my time at this point, re-fighting Vietnam does not make Kerry Likeable, I stand by what I have said before, he took fire so he understands what it means to be shot at. This does not make him presidential any more than I am presidential. It reminds me of the Petaists who will stomp a homeless person to death in the rush to admonish a woman wearing a fur coat. stand by my original post. regards, daemon
Post #179,595
10/17/04 8:00:37 AM
W.T.F. - he merely has to be of average intelligence and not believe that God appointed him to fuck up the planet - on automatic pilot. That can't possibly repair the myriad shit on all levels, no matter what his or anyone's talents.
'Like' all ya want.. the buds swillin the Budweiser, OK?
I want someone in there smarter than moi - and smarter than *you*, too; your fucking trigger finger seems attached a bit too close to some other organs (I know I know - it's Fun to do 007 stuff, even without the Aston Martin.. but shee-itt)
Post #179,617
10/17/04 11:40:55 AM
My start in this thread was to explain my vote
and a comment on the fact I will be holding my nose while doing so. Rceaga pointed out a link to a movie that was to make me beam with pleasure at how fit for the job the man is. I am merely pointing out that I still think he a twat. However a twat that will releive some of the burdens of the patriot act. regards, daemon
Post #179,666
10/17/04 9:10:04 PM
Re: My start in this thread was to explain my vote
A single-issue kinda guy, eh?
So of all the events since hanging chads and roadblocks: that's the Lone fucking 'issue' that would sway you away {With Deep Regret - implicit} from the John Wayne Swagger School of unilateral invasions, (followed by civil chaos here *and* in the country-list targeted for Liberation).
Izzat it, bunky?
Post #179,670
10/17/04 9:28:26 PM
Re: single-issue kinda guy?
I doubt that he is. But, there is a priority to issues and that one is way up on the list. There are no grays to losing basic liberties, it's really black and white.
In politics, what begins in fear usually ends in folly. -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, poet (1772-1834)
Post #179,840
10/18/04 6:26:13 PM
I dont have a problem that we invaded Iraq
I have a major problem with how they fucked it up as well as the ongoing mess. Iraq will survive, hopefully the leuts, majors and light birds remember this when they are running the pentagon and refuse numbnuts who propose no sane exit strategy. regards, daemon
Post #179,395
10/14/04 11:34:32 PM
Nice link, thx
Post #180,341
10/21/04 7:22:26 PM
TAFKAB protests
I did not sneer at JG Kerry in action, I knew a few folks on those boats scootching up and down the rivers, speed and firepower saved you ass, no place to hide, Kerry served outstandingly from what I have read and heard.
Now rewind the movie, the time is 1965, place Yale, when America beleived in the war. Picture the youthful John several years before going to war sitting in a seersucker suit, hair combed precisly discussing why he felt he had to serve his country. Look at the presentation, Its Neidermeyer all right. It was not a knock on his later service. Review the film again, stop during the college years and tell me he was not a ringer.
I may sneer but only in the right places, regards, daemon