[link|http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/10/09/1097261860594.html?oneclick=true|John Howard wins re-election]
Prime Minister John Howard won an historic fourth term tonight after
Labor's vote collapsed in Tasmania and the ALP failed to make ground in
key marginal seats.
The result could leave the ALP in a worse position than after the 2001
election, with predictions Mr Howard could increase his majority.
I say:
Howard is the first leader to face a vote of those who intervened
against Saddam. His opponent was for bringing the troops home.
[link|http://fnmarlowe-politics-world.blogspot.com/2004/10/meanwhile-in-australia.html|Comment at blogger.com]
[link|http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/marlowe/politics.world.html#20041009|Angelfire link] (turn off Javascript to avoid popups)