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New Professional
I don't have a datacenter. I do know that the finish of SuSE is by far the best I've seen. It's tangibly better than RedHat (or WhiteBox, the clone of it). Everything works as it's supposed to. The /etc/sysconfig editor in YaST is excellent. There is a console interface that works perfectly. It's just very sane, very conservative, and very German - like say a Beemer.

I haven't seen what Novell's done to it in 9.x, but I'm extremely skeptical of those foot-shooting clowns.
New SLES is the ONLY one for us
Those boxes are will be attached to our SAN, running Oracle
or high CPU / high IO work.

While I'm not 100% sure of the version differences, I can see by the
patch history / bug reports that the SLES is really targetted toward
my usage and the price difference is trivial when compared against
what I would pay for RH AS for the same box.

Too bad some of my software demands RH. And yes, I KNOW it runs
on Suse (tried it!), but does not matter. 1st problem that shows
up will be blamed on the OS and they will refuse to help until
duplicated under RH.

So I will end up with 2 RH boxes and about 2 dozen Suse boxes, split
between dual/quad Opterons (all upgradable to quad) and a bunch
of dual Xeons.

We just got next year's hardware budget pushed to NOW. This meant
a huge purchase but we have to have in and installed before the
end of this month, and we get nothing new next year unless there
is a huge difference in business to justify it.

I'd prefer SLES 9 but it is too bleeding edge right now. Have to
wait for EMC to bless it. Can't attach to SAN yet. Then we will
pound the hell out of it. But until then, the new boxes will be
     Hey Ross, Suse questions - (broomberg) - (6)
         Back shortly - (deSitter) - (5)
             Ah that's better - (deSitter) - (4)
                 8.2? SLES or Professional? -NT - (broomberg) - (2)
                     Professional - (deSitter) - (1)
                         SLES is the ONLY one for us - (broomberg)
                 Thanks for the note - (broomberg)

Damn thing ate it's way out of the box it was in and lived in my closet for a month.
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