There <u>are</u> things
I don't
like about eZboard...
1) Storing post-read data for thousands of posts for hundreds of readers is a lot of data.
OK, assume 300 users. The only posts that you would have to keep individual 'post' bits for would be those posts
after the last 'mark forum read' (or the last block of completely read threads), no? So, the (post id length)*(number of users)*(number of posts since last 'mark read') That doesn't sound so bad!
2) Checking post-read data for the LRPD for thousands of posts for hundreds of users is a lot of joining. :-)
Well, I don't know how you db is set up, of course, but see the above :)
3) Given the fact that entire threads and sub-threads can be viewed at once, how do we decide when a post has been read?
Well, I'd 'mark as read' any post where the body was displayed (allow this to be disabled, of course! perhaps even disabled by default). One of the other things I don't like about ezBoard is the fact that you are mandated to seeing multiple messages at once. I'd kind of like to be able to read one message body at one time as a user option.