(Again) This *IS* how it always begins.
Just mouthing the words about,
those who will trade a little liberty for a little security deserve neither, is not the same as understanding and acting.
A few more excepts -
It is worth noting that at the height of the
anthrax scare, in mid-October,
congressional Republicans favored shutting
down Congress and adjourning indefinitely,
the better to give Bush, the FBI, the CIA
and the military a free hand, both abroad
and at home.
The political collapse of the Democratic
Party is the culmination of a protracted
process of adaptation to the most
right-wing sections of the ruling elite. In
their craven response first to the
Republican impeachment conspiracy, and
then to the theft of the 2000 election, the
Democrats already demonstrated their
inability and unwillingness to defend
democratic rights.
While for the moment, the vast majority of
those caught up by the government\ufffds
dragnet are immigrants of Middle-Eastern
and Central Asian descent, it is only a
matter of time before these
anti-democratic methods will be used more
widely. The wholesale attack on democratic
rights can only be halted through the
independent organization of the working
class, which unites all sections of the
working population\ufffdimmigrant and
US-born\ufffdin a political struggle against the
financial oligarchy and its political
I can remember McCarthy's voice and body language, radio and Tee Vee, clearly. Also lots of newsreels and other sources of G\ufffdbbels, Hitler in full propaganda flight -- and the crowds of willing sheep headed for first: others' slaughter, then their own. Then recall the entire 'cold war' ...
We are living today - the closest I can recall of those times (as a child), only - as this screed points out:
NEVER to the extent of these new Gestapo-patterned alterations over a mere **EIGHT WEEKS**. This is unprecedented: that we surrender without a whimper.
Ashcroft in his current speeches is daily reminding me more and more of Joe McCarthy and G\ufffdbbels, but with nothing like the virtuosic oratorical capabilities of the inventor of the Ministry of Propaganda himself.
In any sane culture, these changes - as time-limited emergency powers only !!! - would be cause for great apprehension, following lengthy debate. Now: neither debate nor even discussion.
That we are ovinely acquiescing (via the patently false rubric of *unity*!) - in dismantling individul protection from the State, makes of us all today:
Craven cowards.Ashton
Ashamed to be associated with such a fearful mob, and such a blatant repeat of 1930s. We next deserve to 'lose' - we already have lost what was worth any fight over.