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New <Clintonesque> eh.. What Would Jesus Do? [food rant]
Might have added: the usual means of sweeping complex intractable issues into one super- High Scale all-purpose nonanswer (especially where vested interests have the leverage to counter any improvement, and always do.)


The Market Will 'Correct'
..so we neednt worry pretty-little heads
(less'n we be Commie Saddam-lovin Traitors)

[Shitty-food rant]
aka Life is like a shit sandwich; the more bread ya gots - the less shit ya gots to eat.

Bucket o'worms here; yet to be remotely 'faced' in Murica, for all the reasons nicely summarized by Andrew and you. But those are just the simple highlights IMhO.

Haven't bought a supermarket ""tomato"" in decades: cardboard nerf balls.
(Lots of folks have No Idea what a real tomato tastes like!)

Of late, add: milk from usual drugged-up cows kept in phone booth cages.
Meat " " (add Filthy, thus unsanitary, cruel mass pens requiring the drugs because they stand 24/7 in their own shit/e-coli etc.) CA Hwy 5 takes you right by one of these pre-abattoirs, "The Harris Ranch"; smell it for miles. Then Look at these beasts as you cruise by... Your burger, Sir.

Fruit picked green, as never 'ripens'.. in paper bags or on windowsills. (Rots first)
Lots of the pesticides used on other leafy, green veggies cannot be washed off with (typ citrus-based) cleansers - while other brews can be effectively removed. Some berries have 3-5 tenacious things sprayed on / intermixed with skin growth. Etc.
Ya gots to be an alchemist, in '04.

'Organic' gets messy in the inevitable mixture of logistics + std cupidity over Word-labels. Add lawyering to your food search.

For those of us as cannot afford the yuppie prices - keeping the immune system just relatively.. pharm-chem toxin-free requires.. increasingly Otherwise food purchases.

I am not alone, though deriving believable stats re informed disenchantment is a bit of a problem. (I'm unconcerned with what the mass mind 'thinks' this year, in any case)

Murican food - Dow chemical + semi-live bulk-material = the triumph of Corporate efficiency VS the edible. And as usual: screw the actual producer, Wal-Mart style.
It's the futchah. No wonder the %GNP we spend on shitty-average medico stuff, and for %fewer and fewer is unprecedented. Food + medicine: peas in a pod. The average MD [still!] gets about an hour of 'nutrition' insruction, last I heard. Think about That.
[/shitty food rant::cupidity]

Still, re feeding 300M bodies "something": the popularity of the junk meal proves that bizness knows just how much shit we Will eat without complaint. The Olestra\ufffd fiasco demonstrates just how far we *would* go - to eat as much grease as we are accustomed to
[even if it's indigestible plastic-grease, in this case] ==
..it failed Only because so many experienced diarrhea! Bummer, that. No sale. Millions of entrepreneurial-$ er, down the loo - Loved. It. Some corner offices lost on that Project..

I'll measure the wising-up? by yearly stats next, on the drop in poundage of the average Murican, as that factoid appears to be a decent metric for %junk-food (subject to individual genetics, natch).

As some guy on the radio used to say, when I was a tyke -
(Imagine, a program on nutrition! on a US "radio station")

You Are what you eat..
Bon appetit
New How appropriate
"They have no bread!" "Let them eat cake".

So, you want tasty food grown in "sustainable" way by proud people paid liviong wage. You just don't want to pay the "yuppy" price.

Here is my typical non-answer: no free lunch for you. Market already corrected. China is running out of cheap workforce, and Ashton can't get sweet tomatoes. On the balance, I think I like it.

... a reference to Presidente Arbusto.
-- [link|http://itre.cis.upenn.edu/~myl/languagelog/archives/001417.html|Geoffrey K. Pullum]
New As Dupont used to say: "A better life through Chemistry!"

"If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." -- Philip K. Dick, US science fiction writer
New At the risque of sounding like a ...
Malthusian milquetoast ( [link|http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/malthus.html|http://www.ucmp.berk...tory/malthus.html] ), what do you expect? We can't keep bucking the natural order of things much longer. Jeesh, quit complaining and eat your genetically altered fries while perusing this site [link|http://www.ucsusa.org/|http://www.ucsusa.org/] you fanatical paranoid ass clown.

Hey, here's an idea... Eat me.


To answer your question about Jesus, didn't he turn water into wine (genetic transmutation?) and made thousands of fish and bread out of one (I suspect there was quite a bit of genetic alteration going on there, I can tell you - Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day, I can tell you!)
Just a few genetically altered food induced thoughts,

New No, thanks
Hey, here's an idea... Eat me.


Wouldn't be Kosher....

shrub\ufffdbish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating the facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT

New I might be able to have a Rabbi bless, ah, me...
Right before he slits my throat...

Just a few thoughts,

New Dan, go to your room.
And have another double baconburger with monoethanolamine sauce.. :-)
New "It's the food of the future!"

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Re: <mmofittesque> eh.. We Want Jelly Donuts! [food rant]
New real food at low prices, no problem
get out there with the illegals so you get the good stuff. Meat, let the good lord farm that stuff. All you have to do is harvest it. Dont live in a place to do that? See Mr Tilley and his rational about choices we make.
New Choices, indeed.
I choose to pay for the non-toxic.. less-toxic, at least on the inflection point of the less-crap/$ curve.

('Course that won'd do shit re [nukes + Neoconmen] threats to civilization, but.. WTF)

     <Clintonesque> eh.. What Would Jesus Do? [food rant] - (Ashton) - (10)
         How appropriate - (Arkadiy)
         As Dupont used to say: "A better life through Chemistry!" -NT - (a6l6e6x)
         At the risque of sounding like a ... - (danreck) - (4)
             No, thanks - (jb4) - (1)
                 I might be able to have a Rabbi bless, ah, me... - (danreck)
             Dan, go to your room. - (Ashton)
             "It's the food of the future!" - (pwhysall)
         Re: <mmofittesque> eh.. We Want Jelly Donuts! [food rant] -NT - (daemon)
         real food at low prices, no problem - (daemon) - (1)
             Choices, indeed. - (Ashton)

50 ms