Mr. Moderator: Can you tell me gentlemen what your views are on objects that are PolyMorphic.
John F. Kerry: Well, yes I can. When I was in Vietnam we faced a fiersome enemy in the VietCong and that enemy was often hiding in the camouflage where I couldn't see him like under a rock or something. And there would be another one like him, but different. And he would be behind a tree or something. And so when I called the first by name - "Hey Charlie" - he would respond by saying "nope. rock" and the second would respond by saying "nope. tree". Then I knew I had him, because I knew that they were polymorphic objects. That's when I blasted 'em with my Kalashnikov. I mean my M16.
George W. Bush: PolyMorphic, that means changin' or something. And I know them al quaider terrorists fellas hide a lot and change the way they look. And that's bad. Bad for America, bad for freedom and bad for the world.