Correction, "on faith till proved otherwise"
If you want to be generous, mark it as an incident waiting for later confirmation or disproof. Don't make a big deal about it, but be very up front about how you'll react if you get direct evidence that he was lying.
That's more or less what I did Ben, I told him as of now, I don't see proof, but if I do, I'm gonna be upset. I didn't make a big deal, I hope.
Given past history, I'd be inclined right now to not be generous. That is I'd assume at this point that he's probably lying. It is up to you how you would react to that. If that assumption turns out to be bad, then you can apologize later.
True, but I've been watching him post in the Yahoo group, and I've been watching him improve there and in mine. I also know he got terribly upset last night from my Ex-fiance, and that may have unbalanced him some. But there is real evidence out there that he is trying hard.
And I also feel kinda like I owe him a little, because he did warn me about my Ex's accusations.
My philosophy is that a trust that has been repeatedly broken should not be lightly given again.
And I agree. We haven't fixed the friendship Ben, as far as he is concerned, we still aren't "friends" in that sense, but we're still communicating, and obviously there is still a caring feeling on both sides, or he wouldn't have warned me last night.
Have a good day. :)
Edit: corrected subject line

Edited by
Sept. 24, 2004, 01:25:58 PM EDT
Correction, "on faith till there proof otherwise"
If you want to be generous, mark it as an incident waiting for later confirmation or disproof. Don't make a big deal about it, but be very up front about how you'll react if you get direct evidence that he was lying.
That's more or less what I did Ben, I told him as of now, I don't see proof, but if I do, I'm gonna be upset. I didn't make a big deal, I hope.
Given past history, I'd be inclined right now to not be generous. That is I'd assume at this point that he's probably lying. It is up to you how you would react to that. If that assumption turns out to be bad, then you can apologize later.
True, but I've been watching him post in the Yahoo group, and I've been watching him improve there and in mine. I also know he got terribly upset last night from my Ex-fiance, and that may have unbalanced him some. But there is real evidence out there that he is trying hard.
And I also feel kinda like I owe him a little, because he did warn me about my Ex's accusations.
My philosophy is that a trust that has been repeatedly broken should not be lightly given again.
And I agree. We haven't fixed the friendship Ben, as far as he is concerned, we still aren't "friends" in that sense, but we're still communicating, and obviously there is still a caring feeling on both sides, or he wouldn't have warned me last night.
Have a good day. :)
"It's not where a person stands in time of comfort and security, but rather where they stand in times of strife and controversy that determine true friends."
(Quote sent to me by a true friend, author unknown).