Post #174,881
9/17/04 7:41:39 PM
Well, I'm doomed now.
I've been promoted. I have two direct reports. I am again, for the first time in years, a management puke.
bcnu, Mikem
"The struggle for the emancipation of the working class is not between races or religions. It is one of class against class. Every trace of anti-Semitism, or any form of race hatred cannot assist the oppressed, it can on the contrary only aid the exploiters. Workers of all nationality, religion or creed must stand together against the common enemy: capitalism." -Ted Grant
Post #174,882
9/17/04 7:44:15 PM
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Welcome to the ruling class!
I hope it works out well for you and your underlings. Be a benevolent despot, ya hear?
Cheers, Scott.
Post #174,890
9/17/04 8:38:06 PM
Consider this a blessing
remember the philosophy learned from "Man and Spiderman" that basically says "With power comes resposibility, the greater the power the greater the responsibility." It works for those of us who were not bitten by radioactive spiders.
Some advice, to avoid discrimination treat everyone the same. Do not play favorites. If someone is a poor performer, document it, consult HR, show them their poor performance and what they can do to improve their performance. If not, you may find yourself involved in an EEOC claim, and then your job will be on the line.
This is your chance to show us that you can do a better job than most of those managers out there that resemble a PHB. Good luck!
"When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in confederacy against him." - Jonathan Swift
[link||I am from District 268].
Post #174,894
9/17/04 11:17:53 PM
I fart in your general direction! ;-)
Post #174,896
9/18/04 1:09:27 AM
Aux barricades!
Post #174,900
9/18/04 1:36:07 AM
Someone thinks you know what your doing. :)
"If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." -- Philip K. Dick, US science fiction writer
Post #174,927
9/18/04 9:17:31 AM
"People are promoted to "their" level of (in)competency!"
Anyway, Mike... glad you are still around and hope you get lots Dumber in the process. (hint hint, wink wink)
-- [link||greg], [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwetheyNo matter how much Microsoft supporters whine about how Linux and other operating systems have just as many bugs as their operating systems do, the bottom line is that the serious, gut-wrenching problems happen on Windows, not on Linux, not on Mac OS. -- [link|,1759,1622086,00.asp|source]Here is an example: [link||Executing arbitrary commands without Active Scripting or ActiveX when using Windows]
Post #174,968
9/18/04 6:15:22 PM
Comes with the tie - blood circulation and such.
Post #174,909
9/18/04 4:36:37 AM
You know what They say.. "we are responsible for what we know", Камрад
Post #174,915
9/18/04 6:35:12 AM
Look on the bright side
Haven't you always wanted the power to say "Dance my little seamonkeys, dance!"?
----------------------------------------- It is much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why? Because it is easier to give someone the finger than it is to give them a helping hand. Mike Royko
Post #174,926
9/18/04 9:01:21 AM
Imric's Tips for Living
- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning, As hopeless as it seems in the middle, Or as finished as it seems in the end.
Post #174,933
9/18/04 10:20:54 AM
This is interesting
You are as close to a communist as anyone I've ever "met". You really believe in distribution of the wealth, the evils of the capitalistic system, and how the revolution will come.
Yet now you are in a position of power, a middle man, responsible for both granting / denying raises, determine work output, etc.
So, will you abuse your position to maximize the amount of wealth you can redistribute to the people who work for you? Essentially stealing from you employer and dooming your career.
Will you abuse the people who work for you, squeezing every ounce of productivity possible, to the detriment of the health and welfare?
Or will strike a balance, managing to both increase productivity, while not harming to people who work for you, which is the essense of the "value add" that a good manager provides, which makes them worth their salary. And occasionally pushing hard to meet a deadline, or firing the incompetent?
And if you accomplish this, doesn't it rip out the underpinning of all your anti-capitalistic rants?
So to recap:
#1 - Fail miserably, lose job, keep your self image, re-inforce your belief system
#2 - Succeed miserably, get large bonuses / promotions, lose your self image, re-inforce your belief system.
#3 - Succeed happily, get modest bonuses / promotions, keep your self image, destroy your belief system.
Did I miss an option?
Post #174,966
9/18/04 6:06:55 PM
Boolean; it's not just for Breakfast anymore!
I love it when you talk Capitalist. (As-if any two people in the whole world had the same 'meaning' for that blab-word)
So then.. if a person manages to work well within a milieu, be honest with co- \ufffdber- and unter- mensch, resist the reptile urge towards cupidity, etc. etc.
This 'Proves' that the movement of the %wealth into a %tinier&tinier in the Larger Scheme is a mere Red Herring. The Market Will Correct and correct and er,
(So What! if - that [%wealth of a near-future .01%] is asymptotic to say, 90%? from some present value (in the 40s-60s, depending on whether you're using Excel fucked algorithms or an abacus.)) The System is Working as Designed. Izzat it?
Love. It.
IF THEN ELSE WHILE == x.yyyyyyyyyy to ten nines precision on the Marchant calculator. (At least That one doesn't use transistors..)
Have you nothing from G\ufffddel in your philosophy, Horatio? Or Jung? Slagthof Funf..?
Disc World?! Or is it just Machiavelli, in well-worn leather binding? (A prince of a CIEIO for Our Times!)
Post #175,174
9/20/04 12:34:03 PM
Well (as always) said.
bcnu, Mikem
"The struggle for the emancipation of the working class is not between races or religions. It is one of class against class. Every trace of anti-Semitism, or any form of race hatred cannot assist the oppressed, it can on the contrary only aid the exploiters. Workers of all nationality, religion or creed must stand together against the common enemy: capitalism." -Ted Grant
Post #174,934
9/18/04 10:49:42 AM
marlowe is going to report you :-)
These miserable swine, having nothing but illusions to live on, marshmallows for the soul in place of good meat, will now stoop to any disgusting level to prevent even those miserable morsels from vanishing into thin air. The country is being destroyed by these stupid, vicious right-wing fanatics, the spiritual brothers of the brownshirts and redstars, collectivists and authoritarians all, who would not know freedom if it bit them on the ass, who spend all their time trying to stamp, bludgeon, and eviscerate the very idea of the individual's right to his own private world. DRL questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #174,946
9/18/04 1:13:10 PM
s/you/to you/
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #174,950
9/18/04 1:56:06 PM
Thats 2 more...
...that you can indoctrinate into the proletariat ;-)
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition
Post #174,957
9/18/04 2:21:36 PM
Just remember
The proletariat must be pushed down until they are ready to revolt!
Cheers, Ben
About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt axe. It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
Post #174,960
9/18/04 2:55:10 PM
No need.
The proletariat are already revolting.
Thangyew, thangyew. I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #175,283
9/20/04 5:58:06 PM
No, that Latin America's SECOND most popular sport...
jb4 shrub\ufffdbish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating the facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT
Post #174,972
9/18/04 6:24:39 PM
When I was first elected Dictator, my cohort-'boss' asked, "How's it feel to be a part of the Establishment, hmmm? [cha cha cha]"
Having contemplated the move, was ready with.. ~ "Now I can requisition some new wrecking bars, hmmm?"
Bon appetit; it's *All* a Play. (But even we Brownian Movement particles can invoke Maxwell's Demon, at Will.) Think: Karl Rove, a Svengali for Our Time: Look what he manufactured, all by hisself!
Post #174,975
9/18/04 7:08:01 PM
Welcome to the
... a reference to Presidente Arbusto. -- [link||Geoffrey K. Pullum]
Post #174,980
9/18/04 8:14:55 PM
"If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." -- Philip K. Dick, US science fiction writer
Post #174,983
9/18/04 8:34:19 PM
Post #175,172
9/20/04 12:27:30 PM
Thanks, I really needed a laugh today!
bcnu, Mikem
"The struggle for the emancipation of the working class is not between races or religions. It is one of class against class. Every trace of anti-Semitism, or any form of race hatred cannot assist the oppressed, it can on the contrary only aid the exploiters. Workers of all nationality, religion or creed must stand together against the common enemy: capitalism." -Ted Grant
Post #175,152
9/20/04 11:18:14 AM
Congrats, I think. :P
Post #175,280
9/20/04 5:55:41 PM
PHB material if ever I saw it.
I know, cuz I been ;-)
jb4 shrub\ufffdbish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating the facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT