Ideas roughly lumped as 'socialism' and 'communism' have never been tried - though elements of socialism are welcomed (if we rename them suitably) - most Muricans [??] love welfare, but just not for the undeserving. (That of course cannot be the case re any 'me'.) You do appreciate that those are advanced ideas - [like say: sharing?] - for some advanced, evolved culture we might imagine someday to develop - don't you?
(Let's not even start on what happened in the USSR. None of the above, at any time.)
Absent an actual world government with teeth - we all behave according to our species' alt. designation, Man: the lying animal.
*THIS* is not the time for examining our assumptions and behavior since 1776; it is War Time. See? Those analyses we reserve for Peace Time. That is when we examine our behavior for lucidity, inconsistency and other errors - and labor to correct those aberrations - as we strive to improve conditions for all humans, not just for our Office-tribe or Sibling-tribe. Clear?
Except, being human, I lied:
There is No Time when we do that last. We just tell our children that story - as we understand that they are innocent enough to see how ugly it could get: if we didn't actually question our assumptions periodically. What else Could we tell them? Eventually they get it and stop asking those questions, the little bastards.
(You didn't expect an actual explanation for the hypocritical crap we export <--> that comes back to bite us on collective asses.. now did you? Euphemism is our crutch; Sanctimony our stick for whacking, and the Ostrich is the Real National Bird. Our God is [$] except during some Holiday gift exchanging days. Is it much different over there?)
Lying homo-sap