Post #172,787
9/5/04 12:39:11 PM

Experts challenge Schwarzenegger
Historians criticized Arnold Schwarzenegger for telling the Republican National Convention that he left a "socialist" Austria when he moved away in 1968, noting that the nation had conservative leaders during the entire time he lived there.
Some also were doubtful about Schwarzenegger's remark that he saw Soviet tanks as a child, since he lived in an Austrian region occupied by British troops after World War II.
From 1945 to 1970, all the nation's chancellors were conservatives--not socialists. And when Schwarzenegger left in 1968, Austria was run by a conservative government headed by People's Party Chancellor Josef Klaus, a staunch Roman Catholic and a sharp critic of the socialists and the communists ruling in countries across the Iron Curtain.
[link|,1,933554.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed|source] Who cares if he can't remember facts correctly - he's just a Republican politician, after all. He's just taking after Dubya's style of leadership.
lincoln "Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||contact me]
Post #172,789
9/5/04 12:57:57 PM

If Kerry can be in Cambodia...
You know the drill.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition
Post #172,803
9/5/04 4:14:47 PM

Big difference
There's a big difference in plausibility between claiming to be five miles into a country along a river in the middle of nowhere during wartime and claiming to be 30+ miles north of his hometown, voluntarily in an area controlled by the Soviet forces that he so feared, presumably traveling through a Soviet checkpoint possibly looking for war criminals, with a former Nazi father at the wheel.
-- Chris Altmann
Post #172,804
9/5/04 4:18:07 PM

In addition
I'll take a6l6e6x's anecdote as a possible explanation over your "Kerry did it so it's all OK" any day.
-- Chris Altmann
Post #172,936
9/7/04 11:54:57 AM

No, I don't know the drill
Is anything in [link||] wrong? If it is true, then what proof is there that Kerry wasn't in Cambodia that day?
Cheers, Ben
To deny the indirect purchaser, who in this case is the ultimate purchaser, the right to seek relief from unlawful conduct, would essentially remove the word consumer from the Consumer Protection Act - [link||Nebraska Supreme Court]
Post #172,939
9/7/04 12:04:09 PM

Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't.
But even he is not consistent in the storytelling.
They are ALL POLITICIANS. How do you know they are lying?
Their lips are moving.
Oh...but AHNOLD is a Republican. That makes his lies/distortions/stretches worse.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition
Post #172,941
9/7/04 12:18:29 PM

Which inconsistency are you talking about?
The discrepancy between the diary and his later recollection? That is explained well enough in the article (you leave certain things out of diaries in case you're captured).
Or is there a discrepancy between his retellings of the incident in later years?
When the discrepancies pass normal discrepancies for anyone retelling an event that long ago, then I'll worry.
As for Arnold, I don't know enough to accuse on that one either. Austria may have had conservative leaders, but what was the tenor of the whole country? I grew up in a country that was socialist by US standards, but the province that I was in had a very right-wing government. These two things do not contradict each other.
Heck, I'm considered socialistic by many in the USA because I'm for universal health care - something taken for granted in the rest of the industrialized world!
Cheers, Ben
To deny the indirect purchaser, who in this case is the ultimate purchaser, the right to seek relief from unlawful conduct, would essentially remove the word consumer from the Consumer Protection Act - [link||Nebraska Supreme Court]
Post #172,945
9/7/04 12:34:44 PM

I wouldn't call you that...
...until at least the 4th beer :-)
Its a matter of semantics, I think. I don't think you'll find anyone that says "Its ok for all these people to not have access to medical care." (well, maybe one or 2) However, the spectre of "nationalized health care" will spook quite a few people.
We don't exactly have a really good track record established at the Fed level where all things healthcare are concerned. Medicare/aid ain't exactly a model to be followed.
Probably could have insured all the uninsured for just the cost of the latest foray into senior drug benefits.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition
Post #172,958
9/7/04 2:02:21 PM

My opinion on a good model to follow
Make the rulemakers live under the same system as the rest of us. That gives them good incentives to not screw it up.
Let them live under a different system, and they'll mess ours up every time.
(The same principle applies to other kinds of systems as well. Like programming languages.)
Cheers, Ben
To deny the indirect purchaser, who in this case is the ultimate purchaser, the right to seek relief from unlawful conduct, would essentially remove the word consumer from the Consumer Protection Act - [link||Nebraska Supreme Court]
Post #172,976
9/7/04 3:45:00 PM

Otherwise known as "Eat your own dogfood!" :)
"If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." -- Philip K. Dick, US science fiction writer
Post #172,793
9/5/04 2:11:47 PM

Ahnold - the consumate Republican.
bcnu, Mikem
"I declare war to the death on dominant nation chauvinism. I shall eat it with all my healthy teeth as soon as I get rid of this accursed bad tooth." V.I. Lenin
Post #172,802
9/5/04 4:11:27 PM

Revisionist history.
I was in both the American and English zones but never in the Russian zone of Germany after WW-2. Yet in the early days after the war ended, I saw Russian troops and tanks on a train whizzing by on the railroad. My brother and I had a habit of standing near the tracks in the hopes of getting some candy, something the American and the British soldiers would occasionally throw to us. There was never candy from the Russians. In any case our mother would get us out of sight whenever she saw the red flags at the front of the steam locomotives.
So, Arnold could have been right in what he said.
"If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." -- Philip K. Dick, US science fiction writer