Chicken-hawk pullet - your milieu is well chosen: draft-dodger heroes all. But experts at the manipulations of small minds with inane slogans. A perfect match. Your maudlin faux- high dudgeon reminds me of the expression on Donald Duck's face, when HueyDeweyLouie -once again- have outfoxed him. You'd be funnier, if the fate of the Theocracy weren't at stake, shortly.
While The Services are drawing straws to see which one reluctantly.. has to accept your ever-so-delayed.. enlistment, shouldn't you be assisting [link|| Diebold] in fulfilling their CIEIO's promise to Your Leader?
Surely this is a more important project than perfecting the cameras on your model airplanes; (those aren't very effective against the current unifying of the Shias and their traditional local rivals - to end this beneficent Occupation, Operation Iraqi Liberty, as you Dream it). But then, toy airplanes Are safe-enough for the Out-of-Range folk. Betcha can even wear a uniform, while workin that joy-stick, in the dark.
Yes, I recall Kitty Genovese.. that was back before you were just one bent sperm in a billion; funny about that Jingoist/normal ratio. Maybe that is the ratio of that Shit which 'Happens'. That episode was the ultimate Litmus of a decaying, uninvolved culture.
Vietnam also still resonates in America's conscience, and tells us more than we want to know about the capacity for Denial, within all decomposing cultures who mechanically launch kneejerk military responses to every human problem.
'Involved' has its seamy side, Littlest-phil: 'complicit' - as in, abetting the mindset which launched this slaughter, premeditated by incompetent as well as notorious! scurrilous liars, living-out personal fantasies of US World 'Guidance' fortheirOwnGood. Make 'em Just Like US - or kill 'em.
The now near-1000 US-Dead is as far as you would ever glance; you'd naturally avert eyes from the 18K\ufffd merely Maimed -- and think not at all of the 15-20K\ufffd IRAQI Dead thus far (nobody counts-UP those; there's not even a space in the spreadsheet for: IRAQI-maimed). You'd also elide the compounded.. utterly bungled operations from Day 1. Par for you and My Gramma; you see only flags. And bloody solutions for all matters.
Your knowledge of 'duty' extends only so far as, "Let's You and Him Fight; I won't hold your coat, but maybe I won't steal it.. this time". I know that you cannot spare us your maudlin sentimentality; it's the closest a mind set-in-concrete can approach 'philosophy'. I understand. Flail --> On.
1420 hours to go