to 'settle' any metaphysical arguments, there are by now enough data around, especially from other than allopathic medicine practitioners: to demonstrate that our understanding of emotional effects upon the 'entire organism' is miniscule. (Not just the 'body', as that is a possibly false dichotomy).

As to demonstrating one of our fav ideas, causality, re prayer, meditation, positive feelings of others (too) - why not indeed see what anonymous folk can accomplish? But let's get the sample rate up there another order of magnitude, if we're going to try for stats.

I doubt that we shall devise a standard unit for Caring, however (as with the Dol for pain, based on squeezing the ankle, etc.) And that begs the question of "anonymous testers 'praying on command' for strangers" - and quantifying those events.

So I think these studies will elude those who look for Certainty in numbers..

(or - any Certainty at all)

Just a hunch.
