I appreciate the plug over there but I will be very surprised if I hear from the poor bastards. They might as well be putting shingles on a roof with chewing gum for what they are doing now.
This is about the 87th POS discussion at Slashdot since Cmdr Taco began shaving a few short years ago. It's a typical discussion over there. Everybody's typing one stupid comment after another. It makes me nearly toss my cookies reading them.
How fucking hard is it, one wonders, to type things into Google like Linux POS, Linux Restaurant Software, FreeBSD Point of Sale, then click on a couple of links?
I have people blow me off because even though all the components are open source, my stuff isn't. Honestly, it is so boring to deal with people like the ones doing the comments over there.
It isn't enough for them that I can cut their POS costs by 3/4. They'd rather do without a system than actually pay what it costs me to put one together for them. Of course it also costs them an arm and a leg to do without a POS system, but they have no problem wasting all their money by paying the costs of doing without a POS system, typically about 3 times every year what the POS costs, year after year.
I'll be on the Oregon Coast tomorrow morning at a new customer site, a 3 hour drive from Eugene, Sunday no less, to help someone who actually accepts the idea that he should have to pay me something for what I do. The fellow is up from 36K a month in revenue before the POS system to 54K a month with it. I have all the time in the world helping people who want to be helped but the people who are putting comments on that thread over there are real slow learners.