Post #171,418
8/27/04 10:33:07 PM
2 cars to nothing in a fraction of a second. Fortunately, we're all ok.
Travelling down the road in my little Nissan, followed by my wife in our minivan. Car in front of me slams on her brakes and hits the car in front of her just after cresting a hill. I slam on my brakes, looks like I'm gonna get stopped in time from hitting car in front me when...WHAM my wife plows into the back of me which pushes my car into the car in front of me, and that car into a fourth.
My Nissan's totalled, there's not a straight piece of metal on the entire car. The van is repairable I think....left front and hood damage, but drove normal. Had it towed home though, it did dump some antifreeze that I think came from the catch can, but wanted to be safe in case it is fixable.
We're all OK, but the lady in the car in front of us was complaining of neck/back pain, they took her in an ambulance. She also told the cop that i hit her before she hit the car in front of her. I think she's posturing for a big settlement.
How's your evening goin?
-- Steve
Post #171,419
8/27/04 10:36:36 PM
I'm glad you're ok, Steve!
Just stick to your story that she slammed on the brakes and hit the car in front of her FIRST, before you were hit into her.
Hopefully there were witnesses and maybe the damage will prove it.
Good luck!
Nightowl >8#
"A determined soul will do more with a rusty monkey wrench than a loafer will accomplish with all the tools in a machine shop." -- Robert Hughes, Australian Art Critic, Writer
Post #171,421
8/28/04 12:02:45 AM
Always been a nightmare of mine
Having both of cars involved that is. I definitely feel fer ya.
Post #171,427
8/28/04 1:46:18 AM
I dunno how things work over there, but over here, if you run into the back of someone - well, good luck dodging THAT bullet.
Basically, if you hit someone from behind, you were too close - in the insurance companies' eyes.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #171,428
8/28/04 2:00:54 AM
Re: Unfortunate.
Precisely how it is here.
-- Steve
Post #171,433
8/28/04 2:41:44 AM
glad you were able to walk away from it
Very unfortunate, but could easily have been much worse. So in all, you're doing ok. :-) I hope the insurance guy is nice to you though. I don't envy you that conversation.
Have fun, Carl Forde
Post #171,443
8/28/04 8:55:08 AM
Glad you're OK, but get checked out.
My wife got TMJ years after being rear-ended in an accident in a parking lot. She had blinding headaches for a week or so after the accident that went away, but about 10 years later, after some dental work, she had terrible jaw pain and discovered (via X-rays, etc.) that her jaw was slightly dislocated and that was what was causing the pain. :-(
So, get checked out if you can - little things now can be big things later.
Best of luck!
Cheers, Scott.
Post #171,450
8/28/04 1:20:54 PM
Ouch. My best wishes and...
if you're like me you'll need to resist the inclination to blame your wife. Do avoid that. She'll be blaming herself enough already without your help.
To deny the indirect purchaser, who in this case is the ultimate purchaser, the right to seek relief from unlawful conduct, would essentially remove the word consumer from the Consumer Protection Act - [link||Nebraska Supreme Court]
Post #171,455
8/28/04 2:03:30 PM
My first thought was 'say nothing to Tonia, say nothing to Tonia...well comfort Tonia, but say nothing to Tonia.....'
-- Steve
Post #171,453
8/28/04 1:50:34 PM
Nightmare, vehicle-wise!
Glad you think you're OK, but pay close attention to your body. Adrenaline masks some injuries for a while.
"If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." -- Philip K. Dick, US science fiction writer
Post #171,456
8/28/04 2:05:19 PM
My wife and are both a lil achy today, my son is bouncing of the walls as usual. His only complaint: We were there so long with cops, tow truck drivers, other people, insurance calls, etc. that we didn't get to eat dinner until late. He's a rapidly growing 10yo fourth grader. :)
-- Steve
Post #171,464
8/28/04 3:16:05 PM
ouch! good luck on the van
These miserable swine, having nothing but illusions to live on, marshmallows for the soul in place of good meat, will now stoop to any disgusting level to prevent even those miserable morsels from vanishing into thin air. The country is being destroyed by these stupid, vicious right-wing fanatics, the spiritual brothers of the brownshirts and redstars, collectivists and authoritarians all, who would not know freedom if it bit them on the ass, who spend all their time trying to stamp, bludgeon, and eviscerate the very idea of the individual's right to his own private world. DRL questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #171,471
8/28/04 6:20:20 PM
Days like that..
increase deep appreciation of Normal ones.
(Small comfort, I know - but see if it isn't true ;-)
Glad the wetware came out alright; cars==trash by any comparison.
Post #171,493
8/29/04 12:57:02 AM
amen, on all 3 counts :)
-- Steve
Post #171,529
8/29/04 8:32:01 PM
Watch out for whiplash.
You won't feel it for 24-48 hours, but I'll bet you're feelin' it now...
What will we do when we are Gods?
Post #171,585
8/29/04 11:26:01 PM
Pfft. Amateur. You had a seatbelt.
I chest-butted a jet-ski on Friday during my friend's bachelor party. With him on it, of course. I had about half a second to turn around and catch it straight in the sternum. Spun a hundred-and-eighty, fell to my hands and knees, stood up, answered two questions with headshakes ("can you breathe?" was the second one--horizontal shakes of the head), and by that time my brain was out of oxygen, so I spent a short time in dreamland while they walked me out of the water. My eyes rolled, I drooled seawater, and apparently made the oddest guttural sound during this time, while his brother thumped me in the chest and yelled at me to breathe. Then, in the words of the best man, I just "woke up and started walking again" when we hit the shore. Fun. :) No broken bones, no internal bleeding, no whiplash.
(Not to demean your experience at all, btw, it was just a good segue into my story. Okay, now, everyone pay attention to ME. :D Hope you're all as okay as I am.)
Oh, and this was two hours into the trip. The first hour ended up with two guys going surfing above a shipwreck--one got slammed into it and cut a six-inch gash into the top of his foot. The Red Cross charged him 25 bucks to stitch it up inside and out.
Whee. :) Good times.
Post #171,588
8/29/04 11:29:09 PM
Zounds! Glad you're OK!
Post #171,595
8/29/04 11:40:40 PM
In threes, folks. There you have it.
Post #171,599
8/29/04 11:44:36 PM
Here's hoping no permanent damage done!
"If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." -- Philip K. Dick, US science fiction writer
Post #171,613
8/30/04 1:01:43 AM
And airbags!
Though they didn't deploy in either car...which kinda surprised me.
Glad to hear you're OK, we're all doing good here, too :)
Need to call the body shop in the am to come get the cars. We've also got rental cars to pick up in the AM.
Oh and here's a few pics I took yesterday:
-- Steve
Post #171,614
8/30/04 1:05:26 AM
That's totaled? I pictured scrap metal
Post #171,616
8/30/04 1:12:15 AM
8/30/04 1:12:37 AM
what you can't see so well
on the Nissan is the right rear quarter panel wrapped around the wheel, which is bent over at about a 30 degree angle, the non functioning rear doors, and the pool of oil and antifreeze it left at the scene. Nor can you hear the KABANG KABANG KABANG coming out of the motor when you attempt to start it.
We'll see what the body shop says, hopefully tomorrow.
I actually hope they total it. A repaired car with that much structural damage is never the same, ever. Plus, it'd be a lot easier for us to cover the deductible on the van if we got cash outta the Nissan.
edit: fixed typo
-- Steve
Edited by Steve Lowe
Aug. 30, 2004, 01:12:37 AM EDT
Post #171,631
8/30/04 5:49:57 AM
I seem to recall
Totalled means cost to fix damage is within 80% of the bluebook value of the car.