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New Re: XP SP2 blocks Firefox download
interesting. I was thinking that it was an IE security setting for .exe files...but I just went and tried to download another .exe from download.com and got no message. I'm wondering if it's not intentional FUD just like the DR-DOS days.
New Could it be looking for linking to sockets DLL?

"...was poorly, lugubrious and intoxicated."

-- Patrick O'Brian, "Master and Commander"
     XP SP2 blocks Firefox download - (andread) - (5)
         Re: XP SP2 blocks Firefox download - (Steve Lowe) - (1)
             Could it be looking for linking to sockets DLL? -NT - (Arkadiy)
         Well, it doesn't. - (pwhysall) - (2)
             Only natural - (hnick)
             did for me.. - (Steve Lowe)

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