A possible misunderestimation
(Shrubspeak seems so Fitting, as a very probably faux-election nears its ugly head)
Appreciate your concern, so I'll be less oblique; ie - not to worry. :-)
Hey.. if I took all the coming madness as SERIOUSLY as any dedicated member of the US Menagerie perhaps should - - this might be good advice.
Dunno what 'retired' connotes, these days.. all I know is that I voluntarily withdrew from an actually rather benign gainful employment (no psyches were murdered there, either daily or even, periodically). Simply, I estimated that if my Needs were not, say, the average idea of 'incessant excessive Wants?' - I might be able to own *my own* time! something which appeared to me to be a vanishingly-rare possibility here - (quite rarer.. the more one imagines one Has and Needs Next (and must preserve at all Cost)).
What can I say? So far so good. Of course, by now I'd be psychologically un'employable', having become accustomed to a level of choice (of my own projects) without a single, Daddy May I? .... for so extended a period.
'Employable' - available for use as a tool.
And since I never gave any slight allegiance to the euphemism of cradle-to-grave Murican 'Security' - I already knew that any medical weirdness I couldn't get around via countless alternatives -- would bankrupt moi just as quickly as it does all the uninsured; the new legions of under-insured -- that rapidly burgeoning Army created by Voodoo Econ and today's Neoconman Cthulhu-Con.
But then - yes, I do remain mystified that so many / for so long have swallowed the beastly premises of the modrin Misanthropic-Capitalist Repo mindset, as All That GNP went to a tinier ---> \ufffd and tinier group of "Thieves in High Places".
[Jim Hightower's new book, btw - he was on Cleveland City Club forum last night, NPR. Deliciously scathing review, with chuckles - of recent 4 years of Infamy]
Still, I did not expect better of our shallow, Narcissistic culture which, since shortly after the founders died off - has always glorified ignorance, idolized rip-off artists, in full admiration of naked cupidity: its Actual God. What Else could one expect from such premises except - dissolution via some probably horrible gnashings and shrieks.. Ruptured-out, perhaps? Have most Muricans lost completely the ability to feel shame? Clearly this is so re the ones elected or selected.
(Umm I did observe once ~ after all, the poverty of one's psyche begins from being carefully taught trite homilies by a shallow parent within a banal culture. And Walking Tall with that burden. I didn't think it was even hyperbole, but WTF)
er, cha cha
So then: I am not 'disappointed' - y'see?! It's a soap opera and I tune in periodically, as one views a car-wreck at the side of the road.. though I have lost all respect for most of the regularly featured players: these are today.. most evidently untermensch. As in {ugh}
But I don't let this probably squalid denouement bum me out - it is, after all is over-said: merely A Play.
Signifying precisely Nothing, in the larger Scheme
er, I Who Be
You and your logic. We never hear about anything but your logic. Everything I propose you batter down with your logic. I'm fed up with you and your cold, rational criticism.
-- Himmler to Heydrich.. [Wighton, Heydrich]
I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe \ufffd I believe what I believe is right. \ufffd
-- George W. Bush, in Rome, July 22, 2001 via Giovanni!