Damn corn syrup. Stupid sugar tarrifs. Up here in Canuckleland we usually get the real deal. I prefer Pepsi over Coke myself. It's sweeter and not as dry as Coke. Other soft drinks favs are Dr. Pepper, the various cherry and vanilla colas, Brio, Jones Blue Bubble Gum and Foo Foo Berry. Adding milk to colas works nicely too. A thin shake. (Egg nog and cola makes a wonderful yucky brown colour. :-p ) Stay away from soft drinks with real fruit juice in it as the milk produces a scum layer on top that you can push into the drink with your finger.

Oh, an important note about Brio I discovered this past weekend. Don't drink it with spicy foods. It keeps bringing back the hot sensation on your tongue. I think it even amplifies it as the chillies I added to the pizza slice wasn't as hot when initially eaten.