Yeah, I heard that too
Problem is, every day they come out with a new reason you'll get cancer, diabetes, this, that, the other.... Besides, isn't Tropicana 100% orange juice? That's what it says anyway.
Not every human being who is female and drinks soda gets diabetes. No one truly has nailed down exactly what causes diabetes, and my husband didn't like their study, (as described on our local news) because it didn't even have a scientific basis as in test subjects drank this, that, and others this, that.
He also commented that women who drank diet sodas were also probably less likely to eat OTHER sugary items, because maybe they were dieting, so it really didn't prove anything.
I've decided that I'm not gonna worry myself to death about every little thing I eat or drink. I try to eat and drink things in moderation, I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke, I have been trying to eat healthier foods lately and more of a balance of protein and carbs, so I figure that's good enough.
But thanks for sharing it anyway, Scott. :)
Nightowl >8#
(Still remembers the year they decided that all women who ate chocolate would gain weight faster.... well I ate some chocolate, not lots, cause I'm not big on it, but I gained almost nothing... and still don't.)
(Oh and get this, I also don't gain weight from soda. I still weigh barely 100 pounds or a little over.)
"A determined soul will do more with a rusty monkey wrench than a loafer will accomplish with all the tools in a machine shop." -- Robert Hughes, Australian Art Critic, Writer