Client\ufffdle vary between the extremes cited (and sighted).

As I am about 6 weeks into a dietary experiment also based on lo-carbs, but with a lot more Boolean prescriptions than this yes/no simplistic fad - I've been shopping at one of these (and a friend picking up stuff at another). In several instances WF prices are lower than a bona fide Certified Yuppie watering hole in Sonoma; in other cases, higher.

A main difference (between most other places) is availability of 'organic' meats, non-farm fish, vegetables, fruits, eggs via chickens fed flaxseed == obtaining the deemed Right balance of Omega-3/Omega-6 fatty acids.. (surely as intricate a proposition as the valence of Sulfur radicals.. in those now famous PG&E emissions - flagged by one Erin Brokovich).

Sometime we'll have to do an interminable thread on "what constitutes the kind of nutrition" the human body is designed for -?- and what are the (thus far, measured with any credibility) -- consequences of being randomly omnivorous: based merely on childhood 'habits of taste' [?]

There! I've limned the "digestive health" version of, What Does It All Mean ?!

(Then there are the ongoing word problems, the association of, "a new 'diet'" mostly with Becoming Fashionably Anorexic, prehensil(e)ly-sexual and blow-dried cha cha. The fucking word refers to: what you decide to subsist on. That's all.)

I'm finding a considerable change of diet-habit to be Interesting, not onerous (and in that regard.. illuminating of habits, generally). No need to limit intake to some table of x/kg-bodyweight and all that spreadsheet stuff. And it helps to see the theory re the choices, along with the realized _blanks_ where the data is not in and an author Says So. This over, Mr. Authority says, this mix is Good. Trust Me.

Ah well, another time.
Insufficient data.