Neither side is telling the whole truth. Whoda thunkit. :-(

Ah, but what this means is that John Kerry is a liar who shouldn't be elected, because what America and the world NEEDS is four more years of aggressive military intervention around the world, paid for in American dollars and lives. There quite simply is NO OTHER WAY to ensure that the US citizen is safe as they go about their business. And if this safety means that your phone is tapped, your private electronic communications backdoored by the government, your face is stored in a database, and that you are required to prove who you are just to walk down the street, then I think you'll find that it's a price worth paying.

In short, we'll all have to have a lot less freedom in order to have more freedom.

So Vote Bush. It's the American thing to do. The voting machine will know that you did, anyway, and that data will be kept for "analysis".

Don't do anything un-American, now.