[link|http://www.nationalreview.com/murdock/murdock200408201031.asp|So sit down and shut the fuck up yerself]


An SF 180 autographed by John Kerry will indisputably show that the Navy has disgorged itself of every paper bearing his name. The SF 180 could also free anything still lodged among the Pentagon's papers that a less formal "request" might have missed. What's good for the donkey is good for the elephant: Bush should sign an SF 180, too.

The SF 180 can be downloaded at www.vetrecs.archives.gov or faxed on demand via 301-837-0990 (request document 2255). Concerned Americans can generate SF 180s and personally hand them to Senator Kerry as he campaigns. This will give him multiple opportunities to bring a verifiable measure of openness to this issue.

I say:

This sort of thing should be mandatory for all candidates for high office. Tax returns, too. No privacy for public figures.