My diet and other stuff
First, yes I am still on a lot of doctor perscribed medication. Boxley has the whole list, he's researching the reactions for me. Thanks Bill.
Second I am on a diet of sorts, sort of a diabetic diet plus I have to avoid foods that upset my stomach and colon. Low sugar, low fat, high fiber, no onions, peppers, lettuce, brocolli, celery, tomatoes, beans (inculdes Coffee, Chocolate, and others), and others. No fresh fruit or vegtables because they can clog my colon, so I have to eat the canned stuff. I have to watch the sugars in food as well, glutose and other names for it. So far I have lost 25 pounds on this diet, but the new medicine I am on may cause weight gain. :(
I am also watching the carbs that I am eating and cutting back on them.
We might never know what was going on with Ben, but I will consider that book. I'll put it on my wish list. Geez a lot of people are reconmending books to me, wish I could afford to buy them all.
"I can see if I want anything done right around here, I'll have to do it myself!" | Moe Howard |