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New Bluetooth on Linux.

And you thought it was rubbish on Windows (it is, by the way, but it does at least WORK. OS X has the It Just Works mojo on this.).

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Re: Bluetooth on Linux.

Well, I have Bluetooth working between my Linux machine and my SonyEricsson T616 and Palm T3. I'm using a USB dongle with a Cambridge Silicon Radio chipset.


My T3 can connect over an emulated serial port over Bluetooth (unfortunately, PalmOne has seen it fit to not provide support to Ethernet over Bluetooth, a.k.a. PAN).


The gnome-bluetooth package provides:\r\n

  • gnome-obex-server - an Obex Object Push server, letting me received files sent through Object Push from my phone and Palm.
  • \r\n
  • gnome-obex-send - lets me do the reverse through Nautilus.
  • \r\n
  • gnome-bluetooth-manager - pops up SMS my phone received, and allows me to send SMS from my computer. Granted, it's samewhat simplistic and does not integrate with any address book, so it's somewhat of a pain
  • \r\n


I'm currently running a stock 2.6.7 Debian kernel with the bluez-utils 2.9 package (apt source: "deb [link|http://debian.usefulinc.com/gnome|http://debian.usefulinc.com/gnome] .").


I don't deny that compared to Mac OS X or even with Windows, end-user Bluetooth simplicity is rather short on the ground, but at least it's working. :)

     Bluetooth on Linux. - (pwhysall) - (1)
         Re: Bluetooth on Linux. - (StevenYap)

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