The Wall Street Journal today (page A10) published a piece by Jim Rassman, the guy Kerry rescued. He completely counters the claims of the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" (which he calls "Swift Boat Veterans for Bush"). Rassman, a retired police officer, says he's a Republican and generally speaks publicly only about orchids (his hobby).

Rassman says there was intense fire from both banks of the river, that Kerry turned his boat around and personally pulled him on board while under fire. Rassman says he recommended Kerry for a Silver Star and only learned much later he'd been awarded a Bronze Star.

Apparently Captain Elliott has some internal conflicts of his own since he can't seem to get his story straight.

The guy leading the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" also has some conflicts. He was awarded a Bronze Star for the same action. Since "there was no ambush and no enemy fire" shouldn't he give it back and admit it was awarded due to fraud?

All in all, the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" group typifies the sleeze and dishonisty we have learned to expect from the Bush administration.