I owned a '51 Studebaker Commander 'Starlight Coupe' (not new)
And started my 803? 897 cc Morris Minor side-valve once, with the *supplied* engine crank.
Telenews theatre on Powell St. in SF - showed just newsreels.
Blackjack gum - licorice flavor; not my cup of hemlock.
Model airplane engines ran on same physics as today, but no sissy snap-togethers and supplied RC.. so cheap and EZ that the little jaded tad loses interest after 15 minutes and adds it to the discard dumpster behind every house.
My other gramma's house (not weirdo-Gramma) had a two-piece phone = hold receiver in one hand and talk into the 'cone'. No crank, though. Phone # for longest time was (San Mateo) just 5164.
Ice cream wasn't some %huge of gums and fillers (but you can make your own Real-stuff today - with our patented effortness; in fact the peaches are ripe and it's time to hunt down some manufacturing cream)
Still, gotta remember amidst all this bucolia - we also had lynchings, Joe McCarthy and the Loyalty boyz runnin amok; grandpas of the Neoconmen. Some Murican xenophobic stuff never changes - it just merges into a new tin-plate Logo.
Of all that stuff, I miss Radio - I mean, back when there were thoughtful and intelligent people who wrote oftimes original plots. This was how imaginations were developed - you had to supply your own visuals, not just passively veg out on stoopid crap.
(yeah there Was some of that too, bizness bein crass more often than not)
'The Standard Hour' - yep, them [oil] folk! put on a real Live symphony broadcast every Sunday PM, after all those radio shows; Green Hornet (with Kato), Tonto and that White-hat Guy .. all afternoon. On Sat night.. Inner Sanctum, The Shadow -- film noir sans film. Glowing vacuum tubes through semi-translucent plastic Emerson radio cases ... in darkened tyke-bedrooms :-0
Pre-cgi graphics. Precious.
I Who Be
They left out cap-pistols; shooting at anything that moves as a National hobby: Priceless