[link|http://nypost.com/news/worldnews/27507.htm|Well isn't that special]
U.S. intelligence officials and congressional investigators said
last night that the "oil-for-insurgency link" has been recently unearthed
in the numerous probes now under way into the giant U.N. humanitarian
program, in which Saddam is believed to have pocketed $10.1 billion
through oil smuggling and kickbacks from suppliers.
Congressional investigators have uncovered hundreds of documents in
recent weeks that detail how top officials in Saddam's regime directed
companies bidding on contracts for oil or humanitarian goods to pay
"after-sales fees" - or kickbacks - of up to 10 percent of each contract.
The documents, which come from Iraqi government files and were handed
over to the congressional committees in recent weeks, reveal that the
companies were ordered to wire the kickback money into secret bank
accounts the regime operated outside Iraq - separate from the legitimate
bank accounts being used by the oil-for-food program.
[link|http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/marlowe/un.iraq.complicity.html#20040809|Home link]