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New Reports emerging that MS DOJ deal in trouble.

Also in the editorial column of today's South China Morning Post - was a remarkable rubuke of the setllement. Gen press here in China is that the Govt has rolled over & might be about to let MS off hook.

The below link is from US CNNMoney report dated 6th (US).

[link|http://money.cnn.com/2001/11/06/technology/microsoft/|CNNMoney - Microsoft deal in trouble]

Doug Marker

New Microsoft hopes for a mere slap on the wrists.
... and it looks like the government is willing to let them off scott-free.
Another 95 Consent decree all over again?!

Not if the States have anything to say about it.

Our last hope may lie with Iowa, NY, CA and MA, etc.
     Reports emerging that MS DOJ deal in trouble. - (dmarker2) - (1)
         Microsoft hopes for a mere slap on the wrists. - (brettj)

Creating things is hard. I tried to write a drinking song once but I couldn’t get past the first few bars.
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