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New Straw: Bin Laden is 'psychotic'. New religion:Terrorism
I tend to agree with Mr. Straw. Osama bin Laden is confusing terrorism with Religion. That is indeed psycho!
Straw: Bin Laden is 'psychotic']
Straw, speaking to The Times of London, called bin Laden "paranoid" and "psychotic."

"These words exist to describe people like this because a key characteristic of people who are psychotic and paranoid is the sense of complete detachment from the suffering of others," he said.

He added that bin Laden had shown a "degree of hatred of humankind that is impossible to avoid."

And Straw insisted that terror, not Islam, is bin Laden's true religion.

"It is the religion of terrorism with which we are in conflict," he said.
New Re: Straw: Bin Laden is 'psychotic'. New religion:Terrorism
Bin Laden may be paranoid, but his behavior doesn't seem psychotic, it's far to organized and intelligently planed to be psychotic. Overall though, it looks more like he's trying to cast mud at bin Laden, any judgment about his sanity is very suspect given the limited information we have.

As for the religion thing, I would write it off as a combination of don't blame the Muslims, and the usual resistance to admitting that religion can be evil.

New Amen.
New course mandated for preparing children for survival in the '10s:
(Required: a B in order to graduate from grammar school)

Toxic Religion 101

New Bin Laden is the Islamic David Koresh
Eventually, when surrounded by the true powers of the world, they might self-descruct. Let's hope they don't take too many innocent lives with them?

Brought to you buy the same person who helped influence the Cruisades and Salem Witch Hunts, the Devil. Who now controls Bin Laden and his people into turning a religion into Terrorism. Giving Islam and other religions a bad name, The Devil continues his work at ruining anything that he doesn't already control.

Picking up the pieces of my broken life.
New psy\ufffdcho\ufffdsis: deterioration of normal social functioning.
From dictionary.com
psy\ufffdcho\ufffdsis (s-kss)
n. pl. psy\ufffdcho\ufffdses (-sz)
A severe mental disorder, with or without organic damage, characterized by derangement of personality and loss of contact with reality and causing deterioration of normal social functioning.
I still question Osama bin Laden's concept of reality, along with his social functioning.
New Re: psy\ufffdcho\ufffdsis: deterioration of normal social functioning.
[link|http://home.vicnet.net.au/~eppic/info1.html|EPPIC Online]

Here's a far more technical definition. Bin Laden may be psycotic, but so far nothing I have seen shows any real signs of it. The only thing you might hit him for is delusions, but we lack the evidence to know if his beliefs are actually delusional or not.

There is nothing stopping a person from being sane and evil.

New Re: psy\ufffdcho\ufffdsis: deterioration of normal social functioning.
I don't think anyone can tell right now whether bin Laden is psychotic. There is a late stage schizophrenia that can strike one in mid 30's, and then there's the usual manias. Pressure, however, can do strange things to a person. So can isolation.

I think that bin Laden is more of Hitler, we wouldn't consider Hitler psychotic, merely evil. He surrounded himself with yes men and was head strong, hence thought it a wonderful idea to attack Russia whom he'd already sidelined with a non-agression pact signed by Ribbontroff (sp?) and Molotov, the respective foreign ministers.

bin Laden strikes me a run-of-the-mill religion nut with an engaging personality, who simply had enough money to get his own way, started to believe his own press releases.

However, a significant number of psychotic people turn to religion. I...uh...have direct familial experience with this phenomenon and have read a bit on it. They are generally afflicted with guilt. There's no reasoning with such people. Come to think of it, there's no reasoning with religious nuts.
Gerard Allwein
New Well.. except for
Those who worship at the Shrine of the

Omniscient LRPD \ufffd

OK.. some of them.
New Nit: Not Psychotic, Psychopathic.
From [link|http://www.merriam-webster.com|http://www.merriam-webster.com]

Main Entry: psy\ufffdchop\ufffda\ufffdthy
Pronunciation: sI-'k\ufffd-p&-thE
Function: noun
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary
Date: 1847
: mental disorder; especially : extreme mental disorder marked usually by egocentric and antisocial activity
New Last post: unarguably (!) *sociopaths*
     Straw: Bin Laden is 'psychotic'. New religion:Terrorism - (brettj) - (9)
         Re: Straw: Bin Laden is 'psychotic'. New religion:Terrorism - (JayMehaffey) - (8)
             Amen. - (Ashton) - (1)
                 Bin Laden is the Islamic David Koresh - (orion)
             psy\ufffdcho\ufffdsis: deterioration of normal social functioning. - (brettj) - (5)
                 Re: psy\ufffdcho\ufffdsis: deterioration of normal social functioning. - (JayMehaffey) - (2)
                     Re: psy\ufffdcho\ufffdsis: deterioration of normal social functioning. - (gtall) - (1)
                         Well.. except for - (Ashton)
                 Nit: Not Psychotic, Psychopathic. - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                     Last post: unarguably (!) *sociopaths* -NT - (Ashton)

95 ms