BOSTON GLOBE reporter Mike Kranish made waves on Friday by reporting "a key figure in the anti-Kerry campaign, Kerry's former commanding officer, backed off one of the key contentions."

But Captain George Elliott claims the Kranish article is "extremely inaccurate" and highly misstated his actual views.

Oddly, journalist Kranish has been commissioned to write the forward of the official Kerry-Edwards campaign book -- just as he is covering the campaign in an official capacity as a journalist for the BOSTON GLOBE!

It's from Drudge so you'll have to take it for what it's worth.

Wonder if any news organizations will follow this one...

[link|http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1586483145/qid%3D1091814589/102-0540126-2096103|The Book in Question]