without having gone the Google route here, that the picture represnts JK in Vietnam in connection with his investigation (with known "Manchurian candidate" and miscegenationist John McCain) into the urban legends of American POWs held over decades after the end of the late unpleasantness. So it may have been in the late 1980s: John Kerry! Allowing himself to be photographed with the vile Vietnamese who viciously provoked us into invading and occupying their country!

Phil. You fatuous shit. In 1975, when you were about seven, I went downstairs to the SF Chronicle vending machine and saw the photo of the last US forces leaving the embassy roof. I did a little jig right there in front of the stand because the good guys won! Since you are so utterly wed to the notion that your native land can never be in the wrong, this will strike you as a confession as wickedness or depravity, but to most of the people of the world it makes perfect sense.

not cordially,

[edits: rogue vowel, late-night peckishness]